$3000+ order that ships in 2025 qualifies for 10% off on all New and Existing items.
Separate Orders must be written for the following categories:
• Easter – Start Ship December 2024, Cancel 4.1.25 (Easter is April 20, 2025)
• Valentine’s and St Pat’s - Start Ship December 2024, Cancel 1.22.25
• American Holiday, Celebrate, Hong Kong Street Food, Everyday, and Spring – Ship 1.1.25, Cancel 6.1.25 (all these categories can be written on the same order if it works for the customer
You can write up to 3 orders due to ship and cancel dates (noted above) so they can be added together to make the $3000. overall minimum. Customers do not qualify for the 10% case pack price in addition to the 10% promotion; only the 10% promo is applicable….no double dipping!
Excludes Glitterville.
ENDS 9/15/24